Study of moving Taglines…
Shakespeare has said, “What is there in name!”, if he is alive today, he will add, “What is there in name, everything is in status!!” in the world of social media, status, taglines matter more. There are many observations and studies are done on social media status, taglines and our personality. And this is about moving taglines…
While journeying, we observe many things, natural beauty, trees, bumps on the road, sitting cows on a way and observation of other vehicles. How other car is driven, which is model, what is numbers in number plate and the most important from which we cannot stop our eyes to watch, what is written behind vehicles.
It’s very interesting to study what people choose to write behind their vehicles. I have done some interesting observations as following.
Generally, people choose some status or tagline, which they want to show others, who and how they are (it doesn’t mean, they are like what the tagline suggests). With observing these moving vehicle taglines, we can have an idea of social values. People used to show the things which are considered as valuable and moral in society.
For example, you can see, on the most of vehicles, there is name of some God in which they (owner) believe. It doesn’t mean that the owner is very religious or moral but to show that, they are good people they write God’s name behind their vehicles. Because to be religious is considered as good or valuable in society and now it becomes trend.
With observing traffic taglines of vehicles, we can get an idea of who is in power position. In Indian cast system, if a particular cast/community have more power, the people of the same group wants to show their identity. So, on their vehicles, surname or some cast identity is shown, because it will help them sometimes in society.
You can see there are many vehicles, where ‘Rajput’ or symbol of lions is drawn. It shows their identity and feeling of superiority.
The most interesting thing you can observe is, taglines are different with reference to their economical class. You can find some similarities in truck taglines and how it is different from car tags.
For example, you can rarely find expensive car on which God’s name is written. Rich people don’t write anything. Their expensive vehicles become tag for them as they (vehicles) are showing their richness.
In category, other people, below in richness, will write their names on their vehicles. It shows that for them, they are in center.

It means they believe in some superstitions. As they are poor their mentality differs. Some trucks have taglines like “Mera Bharat Mahan” it means, for poor people patriotism or love for country is value or moral. But we can rarely find this tagline on cars or other vehicles, because for upper class people, patriotism is not value.
In summing up, I can say, our taglines can suggest many things, like,
About our personality, do we want to show our identity and feel proud or superior or not!
People, who write God’s name, have much concern about social values and trends; they want to show themselves as simple and common.
People who write their name on vehicles love themselves, they keep themselves in center.
Mentality differs from upper class to lower. Poor people, generally, believe more in superstitions than upper class people (God’s name on car and truck taglines).
Richness has its own fashion, tags with not having any taglines on their expensive vehicles.
There are many people, who don’t write/show anything on their vehicles. Some ideas we can guess are, they don’t want to show their identity or they believe in equality. Identity does not matter more for them.
These are my observations and assumptions, there are exceptions and it may be wrong. It will be very interesting if you share your observations and statements about it...
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