In context of English Language Teaching, we have taken a task to evaluate answer sheet of three semesters of all the students of batch 2013-15, and we tried to find out the progress of students after studding in our Department of English. This is detailed information about this task in methodological way...
Group Members:
Rasila Jambucha
Poojaba Jadeja
Drashti Dave
Riddhi Jani
Binita Solanki
Process of
- Students have 32 students’ answer-sheet of first,
second and third semester. As an
entrance test, students have given descriptive answer of a question after
taking their admission in department of English, so, to evaluate their
writing and language competences before MA, we evaluated these one page
answer of each students.
- Grammatical and language errors of each students
are identified and marked as their form by students first individually and
than all the answer-sheets are rechecked in group and errors are divided
with their forms, like, errors of tense, sentence structure, vocabulary,
punctuation mark, capitalization, spelling and other grammatical errors… and categorized with major, minor and
- Then, in group we evaluated errors of individual
students and also compared all the answer-sheet of entrance test,
semester-1, 2, 3 of each student.
- We generalized every students, progress or change
in forms of errors in every semester.
- For example- does the student’s sentence
structure is improved in 3rd semester or not, do their
vocabulary increased… which type of
errors are stable in every semester….
- In conclusion, we generalized all the students’
progress of stability in errors with regarding their forms… for example how
many students’ sentence structure is improved?...
- One answer of each answer sheet is evaluated
- Answer sheet is different with regarding to criticism and literary texts for example, semester 1 and 2 have criticism and 3rd have questions from novel or play…
- Evaluation with help of students’ knowledge of grammar
- Students’ state of mind is not considered
Fore findings...
- 50% students’ errors in sentence structures are
decreased. Among Other 50% of
students, whose sentence structure are stable, 37.5% students’ language or
sentence structure is already improved and good, so, they remain stable…
- Even the students, whose sentence structure is
very weak, in their answer-sheet, errors of tense is becoming visible. So,
they get some ideas of subject and verb agreement…
- Most of
the students’ (62.50% ) tense errors are decreased. The common errors of
simple present- s-es after verb, -ed past is decreased. The students, who
remain stable in tense errors their errors are of active-passive.
- 40% students’ vocabulary is increased and they
started using new words, other students vocabulary remains related to
content of particular answer. In that case, some students may know new
words and understand but they could not apply or use in their answers…

- The common errors of students is of plural,
subject and verb agreement mostly in simple present (even whose sentence
form is good they also may be unconsciously or with ignoring simple form
make errors of s-es after verb) , use of coma (,) is hardly visible.

- Many students draw various kinds of charts
instead of using language descriptively. That may be their escape from
using language, which is very shameful for literature students…
- Some students, who are regularly irregular, whose
observation, listening and understanding
skills are not well developed, they remain stable in most of the
forms of errors…
- Common mistake in content is, in second semester,
most of the students made mistake in answer of fourfold of
misunderstanding given by I. A. Richards (some have confusion in even name
of Richards- Richard!!!) and T. S. Eliot’s theory of depersonalization is
not properly understood by students…
- Suggestions:
Some students,
should develop listening and speaking skills, observation and understanding
power. The students who are weak in language and grammar should start with
learning English language grammar in former and basic way.
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