Thursday, 19 March 2015

My Comments on Worksheets: The Sense of an Ending

The Sense of an Ending

This is an comment on the worksheet of academic text, to view worksheet and questions click on link given below:

o What is the meaning of phrase ‘Blood Money’ in Veronica’s reply email?

o How do you decipher the equation: b = s – v x/+ a1 or a2 + v + a1 X s = b?

o Adrian’s diary is willed to Tony by Sarah Ford. How come Sarah Ford owned it? Why was it in the possession of Veronica?

o Was the mentally retarded middle aged ‘Adrian’, Tony’s friend who did not commit suicide and was suffering from trauma and thus gone mad, and was living with hidden identity?

o How was Veronica related to Adrian, the one suffering in care-in-the-community?

o Do you see any missing block – some dot which is not getting connected with the whole or dot missing to get full sense of the novel - in the plot of this psychological thriller?

o Do you see any possible reason in the suicide of Adrian Finn?

o In the light of new revelations, how do you read character of Veronica? Instinctive, manipulative, calculating, stubborn, haughty, sacrificial, trustworthy, good Samaritan?

o What do you mean by Unreliable Narrator? Is Tony Webster classifiable as Unreliable Narrator?

Respected Sir, here is my interpretation of asked questions.

The phrase 'Blood Money' can have meanings like, relationship with Sarah caused Adrian's suicide. And her money is given to Tony. Their relationship damages young Adrian's life so it can be called Blood Money and Tony is cause of all damages so Veronica call his (given) money as 'Blood Money'.

The equation Means b =baby or young Adrian, s = Sarah, V= Veronica, a= Adrian.
b = s – v x/+ a1 means, Young Adrian, b is a result of Sarah's relationship with Adrian (x/+) with breaking relationship with Veronica(-).
a2 + v + a1 X s = b? a2 means Anthony ( Adrian used to address Tony as Anthony) It says relationship of Tony with Veronica, and her relationship with Adrian. And Adrian and Sarah's relationship multiplies b means gave birth to baby or young Adrian.

As in last days Adrian is in relationship with Sarah and they both are happy. So, Adrian's diary is with Sarah. Their relationship is an effect of Tony's letter. So, she willed it to Tony. But Veronica knows all the things. even she can view that the reason of young Adrian's suffering is also three of them. The bitter and cruel letter of Tony is in the route. So, she did not want to give him diary. Because of Tony's strong affords, she started giving clues to him and want him to understand all the things. Perhaps that can be reason of her possession.

Yes, though is is not clearly described but the way he behaves and what another fellow says to Tony that Young Adrian have problem with Tony's presence it can be interpreted.
Veronica is his sister and she is so sincere that she takes care her. And she understands that Adrian's suffering is result of other people.

All the mysteries are revealed in the novel. The reason of Adrian's death is not much clear and open to interpret. It can be because of his illegitimate relationship with Sarah as the novel ends with this or it is because Adrian was existentialist, what his suicide note suggests...
Another thing which is not clear is why Veronica did not want to give him diary or inform all the things clearly to Tony. At one stage she even stops giving him clues. But it is not missing block with this indirect clues novel becomes more interesting and mysterious.

Smart, Intelligent, manipulative, trustworthy, stubborn at some extent and sacrificial.

Definitely, the narrator is unreliable, he himself goes on telling and deconstruction his own narrated events. Another thing whatever he narrated in part one, is deconstruction and challenged in second part. So, he is unreliable. Whatever is said. is only with his point of view and even in far past, so to recall all events truly is impossible and he himself goes on telling that, memory is imperfect...
That is from my side, but the novel has many good, significant things to be discussed about.
Thank you. 

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